[OpendTect_Users] Betr: Free SEG-Y manipulation: SeiSee and SUNT

litwinska at telfort.nl litwinska at telfort.nl
Wed Mar 3 13:10:02 CET 2010

Hallo all Users,
I would like to recommend the versatile SeiSee software
as a SEGY viewer.  A lot of thanks to Alexey Bogdanov!
Tacjana Litwinska-Kemperink 

>-- Oorspronkelijk bericht --
>Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 10:39:26 +0100
>From: Bert Bril <bert at opendtect.org>
>To: users mailing list <users at opendtect.org>
>Subject: [OpendTect_Users] Free SEG-Y manipulation: SeiSee and SUNT
>Hi again,
>I got some feedback from users on the SEG-Y manipulation. Most notably
>from  Alexey Bogdanov (AGR/TRACS). It seems that a nice (free) candidate
>is SeiSee from DMNG:
>As Alexey states:
>"With SeiSee one could do _ANYTHING_ with SEG-Y headers. Also it allow
>minor SEG-Y data filtering, data format conversion and export of a
>selected subset to new SEG-Y file... I used quite a lot of different
>SEGY viewers: freeware, commercial, some internal SLB software during my
>SLB days... But I do not remember any other application that could be
>compared to SeiSee."
>"There is a fantastic option in that software package - export trace
>headers to ASCII and import text headers from ASCII. As soon as you got
>your ASCII file in table format you could use any third party software
>to do math, filtering etc. or load it to OpenOffice Calc or Excel and do
>visual editing. And of course in SeiSee you could do math operations on
>header fields."
>I heard about SeiSee before from others too, but never realized it could
>actually manipulate the files (the name doesn't help).
>About SUNT:
>"Not everyone knows that there is a 'native' port of the SU (Seismic
>Unix) utils to Windows and it is possible to download that port free of
>charge from Visual SUNT (commercial graphical extension to SU):
>And with help of SU (and in very rare cases Madagascar) it is possible
>to do 'almost everything' with SEG-Y."
>Lastly, there are tools mentioned on Wikipedia:
>-- Bert Bril / OpendTect developer at dGB
>-- mailto:Bert.Bril at opendtect.org , http://opendtect.org
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>Users at opendtect.org

Seismic Interpretation & Consulting
Dr.Tacjana Litwinska-Kemperink
Sportlaan 43
NL-7576 WT Oldenzaal
Tel:: +31 (0)541 523306
Fax:  +31 (0)541 530271


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