[OpendTect_Users] Installing OpendTect on machine without (direct) access to internet

Richard Strelitz strelitz at lanl.gov
Wed Nov 14 00:14:19 CET 2012

I would like to run OpendTect (and Madagascar) on a cluster that is
air-gapped to the internet.  If I could assemble all of the code and library
modules needed on a linux machine, I could send them to this cluster and
then build the programs on the cluster.  Has anyone else faced this problem?
Can anyone suggest a solution?  Should I get OpendTect to work on my
workstation window into the cluster, I hope to get it to run on our 24 panel
(4x6) 8kx4k powerwall and our similarly sized immersive CAVE.  Right now
Ensight, paraView and Visit all work in this environment.




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