[OpendTect_Users] Load volume 3D to Opendtect

Bert Bril bert.bril at dgbes.com
Wed Oct 10 10:35:40 CEST 2012

Hi all,

Victor wrote:

> I´m new using the opendtect and I trying to load a 3D seismic data to
> see the volume, but have problems possible with the positions in
> the SEGY-out.  Please, can you help and tell me, what position are the
> correct to load in opendtect?

We can't. Because there are no 'correct' positions.

SEG-Y is not like well-defined formats. If you get a .PNG file, you will 
be able to use it. This is because the creators of the format made good 
definitions and a nice library that all software can use.

Not so with SEG-Y. It was created in 1977, and has never been 
fundamentally updated. In 2002 the Revision 1 was made, and, it has to 
be said, it solved a few of the problems.

Still, you cannot load a SEG-Y file without knowing what you need to 
provide. I explained a couple of things in my webinar. Unfortunately 
it's a bit outdated, but still you may just understand the fundamental 

In the support section of the web site, go to the webinars. In 2010, 
you'll see 'Webinar Survey setup and Seismic data (SEG-Y) loading'.

Best regards,

> Thanks,
> Cordially,
> Victor Parra
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