[OpendTect_Users] need help

Nayyer Islam nislam at mtu.edu
Thu Oct 18 13:02:44 CEST 2012

Thanks Liu. It worked for me. Can you tell me what is Open GL shading.

Thanks again.
Nayyer Islam

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Yuancheng Liu <yuancheng.liu at dgbes.com>wrote:

>  Dear Nayyer,
> One thing you could try is to turn off the shading of your OpenGL. Go to
> Utilities-->settings-->Look and feel-->select No for "Use OpenGL shading".
> We had some cases like this before which were related to graphics cards,
> but I am surprised that your very well configured laptop also has this
> issue.
> Best regards,
> Yuancheng Liu
>  One thing that I should share is that I see this problem when I run
> OpendTect on my laptop but it works fine with high performance machines.
> However, I beleive that my laptop is also much better configured than what
> is minimum requirement for the package.
> I have Corei7 with 8GB ram, and Intel HD Graphics Family and NVIDIA
> GeForce GT 525M.
> I would also like to know what is the possible reason of this problem.
> Thank you.
> Nayyer Islam
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 1:45 AM, Nayyer Islam <nislam at mtu.edu> wrote:
>> I am also having the same problem with 3D data. You can do one thig.
>> Right click on the "attribute" and "dsiplay in a 2D viewer". It looks good
>> in 2D viewer.
>> Nayyer Islam
>>  On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Yurdagul Isik <
>> yurdagul-isik at utulsa.edu> wrote:
>>>  Dear users,
>>> I have a problem about 2D data visualization. The 2D data is uploaded
>>> but when I add an inline or crossline, it is seen as in the attached image
>>> not as an 2d data. How can I fix it ?
>>> Please send me an immediate message.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yurdagul ISIK
>>> M.S. Student
>>> University of Tulsa
>>> Department of Geosciences
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>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> *Nayyer Islam*
>> PhD Student, Geological Engineering
>> Chair, GSG Academic Committee
>> President, Geophysical Society at MTU
>> Secratary, Muslim Student Association
> --
> Sincerely,
> *Nayyer Islam*
> PhD Student, Geological Engineering
> Chair, GSG Academic Committee
> President, Geophysical Society at MTU
> Secratary, Muslim Student Association
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.


*Nayyer Islam*

PhD Student, Geological Engineering
Chair, GSG Academic Committee
President, Geophysical Society at MTU
Secratary, Muslim Student Association
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