[Users] In-line byte and Cross-line byte

Gery Herbozo Jimenez gamejihou at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 29 23:10:04 CEST 2007

Dear OD users,

I am a new user of this software and really I'd like some support from you, 
it's about "in-line byte" and "cross-line byte" from "Seismic access 
definition" screen during "Scan SEG-Y files" survey ranges link. I've 
noticed that other users had (or may be still have) problems during 2-D 
seismic lines in sgy format, I've read several times both Geert de Bruin and 
Mike Cline answers but I'm still confused about what I should write in these 
byte gaps. By default in these byte gaps appear 9 and 21 respectively 
(during my Survey Selection and Input file), and these parameters correspond 
in my 2-D seismic section to "fldr" (Original field record number) and "cdp" 
(Ensemble number (i.e. CDP, CMP, CRP,...)), respectively.

So, are they placed by default correctly? if not, how can I resolve this 
step? Some support would be very grateful.

With Best Regards,


P.S.: These parameters belongs to my 2-D seismic line:
6126 traces:
tracr    1 6126 (1 - 6126)
fldr     3122 5144 (3122 - 5144)
tracf    1 95 (95 - 1)
ep       6207 10251 (6207 - 10251)
cdp      950 7075 (950 - 7075)
cdpt     1
trid     1
nhs      1 36 (2 - 2)
offset   -624 -36 (-624 - -36)
sdepth   30000
scalel   -10000
scalco   1
sx       595496 628435 (628435 - 595496)
sy       5940346 5959268 (5940346 - 5959268)
gx       595527 628974 (628974 - 595527)
gy       5940034 5959250 (5940034 - 5959250)
counit   3
muts     15 319 (319 - 15)
mute     15 319 (319 - 15)
ns       6001
dt       1000
gain     3
igc      1
afilf    500
afils    24
hcf      500
hcs      24
year     2006



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