[Users] RE: Users Digest, Vol 26, Issue 5

Colin Hawke colinhawke at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Jul 21 03:35:55 CEST 2007

Answering the question on the mac version. I can confirm that the PPC build 
works on the current Intel Mac. But this is because Apple designed into 
their Intel Mac a helper application called Rosseta, which emulates the 
intel chip at a ~80% performance cost. They added this feature to give the 
developers time to build "universal binaries" of their applications that 
contain one compiled version of each architecture but shared resources. They 
can then deliver their application regardless of archtecture at no 
performance cost. All this is invisible to the end user.

So to answer the question no its not going to work in reverse - if its 
compiled only for Intel Mac. But if you make a universal binary (I have no 
idea how you would do that) then it'd work for both.


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