[Users] cultural data

Laurent.Langhi at csiro.au Laurent.Langhi at csiro.au
Wed Jun 20 06:09:56 CEST 2007

Dear users,


Is there any way to import/load cultural data in OD? 

In the 2.4.2 version I was not able to find a way to import simple
XY(Z=0) ASCII files and get polygons or lines.








Dr Laurent LANGHI 


CSIRO Petroleum 

Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC)

Technology Park, 26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington  WA  6151, Australia

Tel:      +61 (0)8 6436 8741       Fax:  +61 (0)8 6436 8555

Email: Laurent.Langhi at csiro.au




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