[Users] Color stacking (RGB Blending) in OpendTect

Amanda Pouwel amanda.pouwel at dgb-group.com
Fri May 4 15:54:52 CEST 2007

Dear Users,

Color stacking (RGB blending, see e.g. TLE March 2007 and FB March 2007)
is becoming a popular interpretation technique that can be used e.g. to
enhance detail in sedimentary structures (meandering channels,
prograding structures). This technique is already implicitly supported
by OpendTect as was pointed out to us last year by Jean Francois Dutzer
of GdF, who showed an example on a time-slice. At that time horizon
displays did not support transparency, which is why it did not work on
horizons where the techniques is most applicable. Due to a new COIN
(graphics) library this is no longer a problem in the new v3.0 beta

A new powerpoint-presentation on color stacking in OpendTect is placed
on the dGB website. In this example we use Spectral Decomposition
attributes to reveal thickness variations at sub-seismic resolution
along a horizon slice.

Applying this technique is very fast and easy!

Just combine three main Spectral Decomposition attributes (at, for
example, 15-25-35Hz) and display these on an element (time-slice,
horizon, etc.) using transparent color bars (red-green-blue). You can
influence the output by playing with the colors, transparency and scaling.

For more information, check our website;


Best regards,


-- Amanda Pouwel    Geoscientist
-- Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
-- Mail to: amanda.pouwel at dgb-group.com, www.dgb-group.com
-- Phone; +31(0)53-4315155, Fax; +31(0)53-4315104

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