[Users] SU vs. Madagascar

Felix Herrmann fherrmann at eos.ubc.ca
Thu May 10 18:44:51 CEST 2007

Dear Paul,

	I would definitely subscribe to the Madagascar option. In my group  
we have been using RSF with great success. This newly designed public- 
domain seismic processing package and more is definitely the way to  
go and as we speak one of my students is developing a new seismic  
attribute in this environment (through the Python API) and we are  
looking for ways to get our RSF data into Opendtect. Please let me  
know if you need additional input in this discussion. Thanks for  
bringing this up.

Vriendelijke groeten,

Felix J. Herrmann
Director of UBC-Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling (SLIM)
6339 Stores Rd, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4
phone: (+1) 604-822-8628
fax:     (+1) 604-822-6088

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