[Users] Horizons- Surface data

Eric Bouanga eric.bouanga at dgb-group.com
Tue May 29 10:04:56 CEST 2007

Dear  Users,

As you know calculations on horizons take time. When the calculations 
are done on-the-fly (right-mouse menu) the system is blocked for the 
duration of the calculation. This is why OpendTect supports:

  1. Storing the calculated quantity as "Surface data" (right-mouse -> 
Save attribute)
     for speedy retrieval afterwards.
  2. Batch processing of horizon data (Processing menu -> Create output
     using Horizon -> Horizon grid ). The quantity will be stored as
     "Surface data" with the horizon.
To display the stored data : Load Horizon,
     followed by Select Attribute -> Surface data.


   Eric Bouanga,

   dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
   Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, the Netherlands
   Mailto eric.bouanga at dgb-group.com
   Tel: +31 534315155 , Fax: +31 534315104

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