[Users] Red Hat Enterprise 5

Hesam Kazemeini hesam.kazemeini at geo.uu.se
Thu Apr 10 23:48:02 CEST 2008

Dear OD users,

I have encountered some problem running OD on the Red Hat Enterprise 5 (86x),
just to ask if someone already run OD on Red Hat Enterprise 5 (86x) or had the
same problem. 

Best Regards

S. Hesam Kazemeini                         Tel: +46-18-4717161  
Geophysics (PhD Student)                   Mobile: +46-73-2433279  
Dept. of Earth Sciences                    Fax: +46-18-501110  
Uppsala University, Villavagen 16          E-mail: hesam.kazemeini at geo.uu.se  
SE-75236 Uppsala Sweden                    http://www.geofys.uu.se/hk/  

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