[Users] Petrel and OpendTect direct link

Adrian Bennetton adrian.bennetton at arkcls.com
Fri May 8 16:29:20 CEST 2009

Dear OpendTect User,

ARK CLS has evaluated the possibility of developing a direct link
between Petrel and OpendTect. The anticipated "Ocean" link would work in
a similar fashion as our Workstation Access plug-in to facilitate direct
I/O of 3D seismic, 3D seismic horizons, and well data. The pricing will
also be the same as our Workstation Access plug-in. We anticipate the
initial development will be done in two phases: 


Phase 1: 3D seismic and 3D seismic horizons--------------------- 15 - 20

Phase 2: Well
data-------------------------------------------------------------- 8 -10

Before committing to this project we would like to get a feel for the
potential market. Therefore, I would highly appreciate your response to
the following questions:

1.	Would you be willing to pre-commit to this development? We
offer: zero license fee for every second license and one-year free
maintenance & support on all licenses acquired. 
2.	If you are not ready to pre-commit, would you please let me know
whether you are potentially interested in acquiring one or more licenses
after the release? 

I would really appreciate your response. 


Thank you and best regards,


Adrian Bennetton

Managing Director

ARK CLS Limited

adrian.bennetton at arkcls.com

http://www.arkcls.com <http://www.arkcls.com/> 

Tel:      +44 1234 834864

Fax:     +44 1234 834865


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