[Users] Petrel and OpendTect direct link

Nour, Abdoulshakour M abdoulshakour.nour at aramco.com
Sat May 9 06:17:05 CEST 2009

Mr. Bennetton

Yes. Saudi Araco would be interested in ARCLS and dGB to Petrel connection module. But, before we get to that, we have a lot of issue on the workstation connect module we purchased from you, specially getting well data from SeisWorks. So, since your current product is not up to par, why should we even consider that your other ventures will be worth purchasing, let alone pre-purchasing.

Abdoulshakour Nour
Saudi Aramco

From: users-bounces at opendtect.org [mailto:users-bounces at opendtect.org] On Behalf Of Adrian Bennetton
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 5:29 PM
To: users at opendtect.org
Subject: [Users] Petrel and OpendTect direct link

Dear OpendTect User,

ARK CLS has evaluated the possibility of developing a direct link between Petrel and OpendTect. The anticipated "Ocean" link would work in a similar fashion as our Workstation Access plug-in to facilitate direct I/O of 3D seismic, 3D seismic horizons, and well data. The pricing will also be the same as our Workstation Access plug-in. We anticipate the initial development will be done in two phases:

Phase 1: 3D seismic and 3D seismic horizons--------------------- 15 - 20 weeks
Phase 2: Well data-------------------------------------------------------------- 8 -10 weeks

Before committing to this project we would like to get a feel for the potential market. Therefore, I would highly appreciate your response to the following questions:

 1.  Would you be willing to pre-commit to this development? We offer: zero license fee for every second license and one-year free maintenance & support on all licenses acquired.
 2.  If you are not ready to pre-commit, would you please let me know whether you are potentially interested in acquiring one or more licenses after the release?
I would really appreciate your response.

Thank you and best regards,

Adrian Bennetton
Managing Director
ARK CLS Limited
adrian.bennetton at arkcls.com<mailto:adrian.bennetton at arkcls.com>
Tel:      +44 1234 834864
Fax:     +44 1234 834865

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