[OpendTect_Users] New dataset available in the Open Seismic Repository

Kristofer Tingdahl kristofer.tingdahl at dgbes.com
Wed Sep 8 04:28:46 CEST 2010

Dear all,

Our Open Seismic Repository website (http://www.opendtect.org/osr) have been
a huge success since it was launched last year. Since its start, over 1200
survey downloads have been completed, totalling a whopping 2.5 TB. We have
also seen a steady increase in seeders, in this very moment there are 46 of

Last month, we added the
which is the first dataset that features pre-stack data. This month,
we are adding "Blake Ridge Hydrates
provided by Steven Holbrook at the University of Wyoming. It comes from the
126th leg of the ODP and features hydrates offshore South Carolina. Steven

*"The Blake Ridge is one of the best-studied methane hydrate systems on
Earth. Here a fine-grained sediment drift deposit hosts a significant
quantity of methane hydrate and methane gas. In this data volume, a clear
bottom-simulating reflection (BSR) marks the hydrate/gas phase boundary, and
numerous bright spots beneath the BSR indicate a thick, complex free gas
zone. In addition, this volume displays the interactions between the
hydrate/gas system and the compaction normal faulting and sediment waves
that characterize the sediments."*

The Blake Ridge Hydrates data can be downloaded at:

We are constantly on looking for new datasets for the Open Seismic
Repository. If you have a dataset you would like to add, please let us know
by following these steps:

   1. Ensure you or your organization owns the data, or that you can certify
   that the data lies in the public domain. We will not publish any data unless
   we can establish the legal status of the data, and that we can obtain the
   necessary permission in writing.
   2. Load the data into OpendTect. It is beneficial if you add as much
   interpretation (horizons, faults, wells, pre-stack data, velocity models) as
   possible at this stage. Once the dataset is released, it hard to add
   additional data.
   3. Notify us at info at dgbes.com. Our experienced geologists/geophysicists
   will look over the data and ensure the data quality is consistent, the
   dataset will be added to the Open Seismic Repository. You will be asked to
   provide as much background geology to the area as possible, so the
   information page for the data can be filled in. dGB Earth Sciences reserves
   the right to make the final decision whether a dataset will be added to the

Best regards,

Kristofer Tingdahl

Kristofer Tingdahl, Ph. D.
Executive Vice President - Americas
dGB Earth Sciences
+1 281 240 3939
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