[OpendTect_Users] 3D GPR data

Urs Boeniger urs at geo.uni-potsdam.de
Sun Sep 26 12:10:17 CEST 2010

Dear David,

GPR data should be handled no different than seismic data and given the different options to import data into OD you just have to find out which file format you have the easiest access to, considering the software you are working with, your programming skills, etc.. Conversion of GSSI/Sensors&Software/Mala data has to be done anyway. From my experience I would say that there are two options:
1. Convert your data into segy and then import as segy. I worked with this for quite some time, works perfectly. 
2. Write your data as binary file and use the simple file 2D/3D import option. I like this option better, as you define all the headers yourself and it can be done without mapping GPR headers to seismic headers, which might be a bit cumbersome in some cases. But nevertheless both approaches work.

Converting GPR data to segy can also be easily done using Seismic Unix.
If you work e..g, with Matlab the are several scripts to load GPR data. Approach 1 could then be done using SegyMat by Thomas Mejer Hansen. 
To write the GPR data into the previously mentioned binary format is a very simple task. See following example script (Matlab). As you only need pretty fundamental IO operations it is really simple to implement in any language. This is the main reason, why I would opt for approach 2.

function odwrite(filename,data)

% ODWRITE Write generic matlab data into binary file as output.
% Input: filename   = name of the ouput file (*.bin)
%        data       = input dataset dimensions (z,x)/(x,y,z)

if ndims(data)==3;

fid = fopen(filename, 'w');

If you have any further questions feel free to contact me .

On Sep 24, 2010, at 10:19 PM, David wrote:

> Dear OpendTect users,
> I would like to know how I can import 3D GPR data 
> (.DZT) to generate a 3D cube in OpenDtect. If I 
> just can import GPR data as 2D-lines how can I to 
> generate 3D cube from those 2D-lines?
> I thank you in advance for your attention.
> Best regards,
> David Castro
> Dr. David Lopes de Castro
> Depto Geologia / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
> Campus Universitário S/N
> 59072-970    Natal - RN
> Tel.: (84) 3215-3808
> E-mail: david at geologia.ufrn.br
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Urs Böniger (Dipl. Natw.ETH),
Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften · Angewandte Geophysik,
Universität Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24,
14476 Golm/Potsdam, Germany
Phone: +49-331-977-5789
Fax: +49-331-977-5700

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