[OpendTect_Users] Convert UTM Zone in segy file

Duncan Irving duncan.irving at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Apr 1 09:28:50 CEST 2011


I've done this with 2D in Seismic Unix so the principle should apply 
although the technicalities will need to be enhanced for trace indexing:

1/ Dump the trace headers so that you are left with traceids, 
shotpoints, CDPs and (lat,lon). You will need to have a way of indexing 
the traces in the survey for later.
2/ Use GMT (gmtproject) to convert the UTM zone. This is fiddly to set 
up but will be a one-liner when you have the parameters correct.
3/ Re-write the (lat,lon)s back into the original file. I'm not sure how 
you would do this with a 3D volume - maybe Madagascar? I looped through 
2D lines trace-by-trace but this may be more challenging with a 3D survey.

I did this a few years ago with bash, Seismic Unix and GMT. You can 
probably do the whole thing more elegantly with python nowadays.

Maybe someone has a more modern approach? :-)


On 31/03/2011 22:32, Michael Heeremans wrote:
>   Hi,
>   I have a project with a lot of data already loaded. now I would like to
>   add another seismic survey, but tgis survey has stored its XY
>   coordinates in a different UTM zone. Any suggestions how I could convert
>   the coordinates to the 'correct' UTM zone?
>   Many thanks i advance,
>   Michel Heeremans

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