[OpendTect_Users] facies map

Colin Hawke colinhawke at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Jun 15 10:22:32 CEST 2011

Hi Alireza,

Yes in OpendTect the seismic facies output is called 'segment'.

 the element tree of OD you will see 'Volume' - if you load the 'NN 
segment volume' in to this you can then take advantage of the 'volume 
rendering' features that OD has. First, you would need to create a 
segmented colourbar - pick a colourbar you like and then in the 
colourtable manager choose 'segmentation' fixed with the same number of 
classes/segments you output in the NN. You may also want to change the 
'undefined colour' to transparent (click on the undefined colour box and
 change the alpha channel to zero). To show just your fracture segments 
in the 3D view you would need to create a custom opacity tailored for 
the segments of interest - In the colourbar manager there is a red 
opacity line - you will need to make the segments you want (the 
fractures) opaque and the rest of the segments transparent. Save this as
 a custom colourbar.

In the 'volume' element in the tree use the 
'Volren' option and if used together with your new colourbar you should 
see only the segments of interest - hopefully your fracture patterns in 

Hope this helps.


Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 20:19:50 -0700
From: varasteh_alireza at yahoo.com
To: users at opendtect.org
Subject: [OpendTect_Users] facies map

Dear opendtect users,
I have a question about neural network plug in of opendtect software. I want to generate a seismic facies map which shows distribution of fractures (or density of fractures). 
I think output of unsupervised neural network in opendtect which is named segment, is facies map. Is it right?
There is another problem about this subject. If I want to apply some attributes as input of neural network in a specific time interval (reservoir interval) using pickset at Z direction, how can I display the segment output of neural network so that the map reveals density of fractures in the whole of time interval which was picked by pickset (not at a single time by time slice).
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Alireza Varasteh
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