[OpendTect_Users] Seismic Volume Alignment using MatchDelta / DeltaResample

Colin Hawke colinhawke at hotmail.co.uk
Thu May 19 15:38:49 CEST 2011


Has anyone successfully used the Match-Delta & Delta-Resample to align two seismic volumes? I have a near & far angle stacks that I'd like to align. However the Delta cube (time-shift volume) that is created by MatchDelta is very noisy and so when applied using DeltaResample the output is not at all desirable.

What would make sense to me is to filter the time-shift volume before applying it. The best way I can think of would be to filter out samples that had a low cross-correlation between near & far. Even better might be to do it two-dimensionally and filter out samples that had large +ve or -ve time-shifts AND a low cross-correlation values. In any case I can't seem to figure a way to do the above work flow.

Another method could be to apply dip-steered median/averaging filtering to the time-shift volume to smooth things out but that seems less than ideal.

What methods or workflows are people using out there?

Kind Regards

Colin Hawke

Predict Geoconsultants Ltd      		 	   		  
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