[OpendTect_Users] Problem when importing data

Gery . gamejihou at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 15 18:50:49 CEST 2012

Hello Anders,

If I understand well, you have seismic data in OD, then you want to derive attributes from them and export these attributes as SEGY, is that right? if so, just create the attribute and then export it as segy.

Hope this helps,


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> Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2012 15:17:55 +0200
> From: anders.harrysson at fem4fun.com
> To: users at opendtect.org
> Subject: [OpendTect_Users] Problem when importing data
> Dear all,
> I have a question related to import of external data into OpendTect.
> After importing seismic data into OpendTect, I have a number of files 
> (ascii format from external software) containing results from analysis 
> of the imported seismic data.
> These "result" files can be imported into OpendTect using the "simple 
> file" function. My question is now: Is it possible to import the 
> "result" files directly into OpendTecht as attributes to the seismic data?
> Thankful for all hints and tricks that may solve this.
> Regards,
> Anders
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