[OpendTect_Users] seismic data enhancement

Paul de Groot paul.degroot at dgbes.com
Thu Dec 13 15:24:47 CET 2012

Hello Oscar,

You can save display settings with every stored seismic data set in
OpendTect. To do this, first adjust the way you want to display the data on
say one line; when  satisfied right-click on the element in the tree and
select "Save Color Settings". That's all.

Here are a few more tips to get better displays:

   1. Change the Z-scale to get a pleasant view (View menu, save as
   2. Make sure all lines in your set are scaled equally and there are no
   phase differences. If this is not the case, equalize the data (Scaling
   attribute and/or Instantaneous Phase - Rotate Phase option)
   3. Select a color bar, or design one yourself (Right-click in color bar
   - Manage). Tip: Select the uppermost color bar and move the cursor a little
   upward so that it is inside the colorbar selection window. Now use the up
   and down arrow keys to movie-style step through all color bars in your
   list. Good color bars for seismic are: Seismics, Red-White-Blue, Magic and
   Brown 4 grades. The latter two high-light anomalous amplitudes.
   4. Play with the clipping range (right-click in the color bar). Note
   that Seismics and Red-White-Blue may need approx.2.5% clipping, while Magic
   and Brown 4grades should be clipped much less, say 1%.
   5. Before using this as the default color setting, overwrite the figures
   displayed next to the color bar by typing the number to use and press enter
   while the cursor is still inside the range field. This ensures that the
   data will always be displayed within your specified range numbers.
   Otherwise the data will be displayed with the specified clipping
   percentage, which is a number that is computed by random sampling from the
   element to be displayed. In other words the ranges will fluctuate and each
   line will be displayed with slightly different ranges.
   6. Now select "Save Color Settings" from the menu.

Hoe this helps. Best regards,

Paul de Groot.
*Paul de Groot
dGB Earth Sciences, Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The
Tel. +31 53 43 15 155, Fax +31 53 43 15 104.
paul.degroot at dgbes.com, www.dgbes.com, www.opendtect.org.

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:45 AM, oscar guevara <oscar1234392 at hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Hello friends. I´m working with a bad data, each 10 in lines or xlines
> I´ve to  change the color palete. My question is, could be posible to
> load seismic cube  in opend tect and ajust the color palete automatically
> to each Xline or inline?. I think that could be posible to desattach the 3d
> cube and rescale the amplitud data for each line and joint it together
> after. If this is posible How do l do it?  If there is some one who can
> help me I apreciate.
> Regards
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