[OpendTect_Users] seismic data enhancement

Friso Brouwer friso.brouwer at dgbes.com
Thu Dec 13 16:16:59 CET 2012


Though I am not hundred percent sure what your problems is, I am going to
assume it is a laterally varying dynamic range in your seismic cube and you
want to adjust color bar clipping to correct for that. If this is not the
problem, please let me know.

To tackle this problem you can choose a couple of straight forward

   1. Clip the color bar dynamically, instead of fixed ranges. Right click
   on the color bar, choose ranges/clipping, set the clipping percentages. To
   make this default for all data: toggle the dafault check box; to make this
   default for just this seismic data, go to the data layer in the OpendTect
   tree, right click, and choose "Save Color Settings".

   2. Dynamically rescale the volume, to do this there is an attribute in
   OpendTect called scaling. This attribute allows you to dynamically rescale
   a seismic volume according to one of multiple available principles. First
   interactive analyze the results using on the fly application of the
   scaling, if you like the result, go to the processing item in the top menu
   and there choose "create seismic output".

   3. If there are high S/N seismic reflection that are known to have been
   caused by approximate constant acoustic/elastic contrast you can use one or
   more specific reflections to as calibration to rebalance the data. This is
   more advanced and requires the use of energy, horizon and mathematics
   attributes. And you have to be able to verify if your assumption of
   constant contrast is valid (for example with sonic/density logs from
   wells). This would be an expert workflow.

I hope this helps you on the way. Cheers,


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 6:45 PM, oscar guevara <oscar1234392 at hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Hello friends. I´m working with a bad data, each 10 in lines or xlines
> I´ve to  change the color palete. My question is, could be posible to
> load seismic cube  in opend tect and ajust the color palete automatically
> to each Xline or inline?. I think that could be posible to desattach the 3d
> cube and rescale the amplitud data for each line and joint it together
> after. If this is posible How do l do it?  If there is some one who can
> help me I apreciate.
> Regards
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