[OpendTect_Users] Load volume 3D to Opendtect

Neil Peterson neil.peterson at gradient.com
Wed Oct 10 08:28:38 CEST 2012

I am not sure how to review SEGY header data in OpendTect, but I had some issues with a 2D project and I used a program called Seis-View to check out header data and be sure it was defined correctly for import to OpendTect. I'm sure you can check trace header info within the program though. 

Best Regards,

Neil Peterson | Senior Geologist | Gradient Resources Inc | 9670 Gateway Dr. Suite 200, Reno NV 89521 | ph: 775-284-8842 | cell: 775-217-2629 | email: neil.peterson at gradient.com

On Oct 9, 2012, at 10:48 PM, "victor manuel parra garavito" <victormparra at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear opendtect experts,
> I´m new using the opendtect and I trying to load a 3D seismic data to see the volume, but have problems possible with the positions in the SEGY-out.  Please, can you help and tell me, what position are the correct to load in opendtect?
> Thanks,
> Cordially,
> Victor Parra
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