[OpendTect_Users] New survey from VSP data

Mike Stone mstone at act3solutions.com
Mon Feb 4 19:18:10 CET 2013

So I would spoof the headers and load it into the 3D.

Figure out what Inline/Xline your well is at. Then use the
SEGY Manipulator button in the loader to set it to that location.
I usually load it twice, one with a fixed Inline and incrementing xline.
then vise-versa.

Opendtect doesn't have the best wiggle over color displays, but you can do
it with the 2D viewer, So give that a shot.

Just brainstorming here, But in SMT you can also bring it in as a
synthetic. But to be honest I've never done a Synthetic in ODT. How do you
do one? Is it a plug-in? Also can you use imported synthetics?

Mike Stone
MStone at ACT3Solutions.com

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Mircea Cozma <mircea.stefan.cozma at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hello all.
> Does anyone knows how to start a new survey only fro VSP data?
> The flow seems to be straightforward: Survey > Select/Setup... > New... >
> Range\coordinate settings > Scan SEG-Y file(s)
> However, things are not that simple: which is (if any) the in-line and
> cross-line here?
> The in-line and cross-line bytes plus the X-coordinate and Y-coordinate
> bytes shouldn't be a problem from a segy file structure point of view. I am
> running some proprietary data and converting them to segy format is up to
> me, as far as I was writing the conversion programs. The segy output
> file(s) has been already verified by some other programs,
> like SegYDetective and SEGY Viewer from PETRA. So the segy file is not an
> issue.
> But the in-line and cross-line (and their correspondence to the X and Y
> coordinates) is.
> Does anyone have some experience with this problem?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Mircea
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