[OpendTect_Users] Processing flow with Madagascar in OpedTect

Raman Singh raman.singh at dgbes.com
Thu Oct 3 09:39:42 CEST 2013

Hi Frederico,

The error message you get is typical of a situation where one of the 
Madagascar programs launched by OpendTect fails. The most common reason 
for this is non-availability of the environment variable RSFROOT. In 
that case simply define the environment variable and that should fix the 
problem. However there could be other reasons as well.

1. If you are under Linux, you will see some sort of an error message 
thrown by the failed Madagascar program in your console window. That 
should give you some clues as to what causes the failure. For example, 
you may have a missing dependency. Then installing the dependency should 
fix the problem.

2, If you are under Windows, you can still catch the error by running 
OpendTect in console mode. This can be done by running 
od_main_console.exe. This program is located in C:\Program 
Files\OpendTect\4.6.0\bin\win64\Release folder for a typical OpendTect 
4.6 installation on a Windows 64-bit machine. The most common error on 
Windows is a missing cygwin library. For this you need to include the 
bin folder of your cygwin installation (For example C:\cygwin\bin) in 
your PATH environment variable.

If all else fails, please write back to me with the following:
1. The version of OpendTect and Madagascar you are using.
2. The platform you are working on.
3. The <Survey>/Proc/Mad_Proc.par file.

Best regards,

On 10/03/2013 01:01 AM, Frederico Alexandre Fernandes de Oliveira wrote:
> Hi,
> I´m a newbie both in OpendTect and Madagascar. I´ve been trying very 
> simple procedures following the User Documentation without sucsess.
> I have a pre-stack volume in which i tried a simple bandpass filter 
> and it pops up a message saying "Empty or corrupt RSF Header". Both 
> input and output are set to Opendtec format, once it is sad that the 
> software handles it.
> I´d be very thankfull if somebody send a sucsessful flow so that I can 
> reproduce it.
> Thanks in advance,
> Frederico
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- Raman K Singh
- Manager - Software Development
- dGB Earth Sciences
- 310, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India
- Phone: +91 22 25704984 , Fax: +91 22 25704977, Mobile: +91 9833452542
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