[OpendTect_Users] Fracture detection using 3d seismic data

charly charlemagne.favi at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 09:40:39 CEST 2013

I am a grad student using Opendtect 4.4 for fracture detection using
post-stack 3D seismic data from the Bakken formation. I was faced with some
incompatibility issues with the imperial units and was not able to load the
well information into the survey to tie the wells to the seismic and pick
my horizons. After many unsuccessful attempts, I was told by the Opendtect
support that I would not be able to load the wells into my surveys due to
some bugs in the version 4.4 and that getting the version 4.4.0 n would
solve the issue. I was unable to find that version and download so I ended
up using Seisware to create the synthetics and picked the horizons, which I
later on imported into into Opendtect for the fracture analysis. I have
tried a number of individual/combination of attributes and have exhausted
to my knowledge all the possibilities suggested in the OpendTect Attributes
Matrix for fracture detection without success. With the lack of well log
information in the system I was no longer able to use the supervised neural
network and the spectral blueing SSIS as other options available for
fracture analysis with Opendtect that I have first plan for, and I am
neither able to draw any useful conclusions from the results that I have
got so far.  Could any one give me some suggestions or guidance to allow me
to proceed with my project?
Thanks in advance for your help.

G. Charlemagne Favi
Geophysical Engineering
Cell: 406-962-8852
Home: 702 518 6189
Fax: 206-888-2683
* Responsiveness*

*"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's
love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." Ella Jane Fitzgerald.
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