[OpendTect_Users] Amplitude gain and volume mode

Farrukh Qayyum farrukh.qayyum at dgbes.com
Thu Feb 20 15:24:48 CET 2014

Hello Damian,

Pleased to see that you are becoming a d-Tector!

Below are the short answers to your questions:

1) We do have an attribute that you can quickly make. However, there is no

2) We just tested the pre-load option on the Win64 bit (Win 7 / 8)
machines. It works fine. I loaded 1GB volumes in various surveys. I
couldn't see the problem. Probably, there is something else at your end.
Please contact our support team (Cc-ed) to assist you further.

Best regards,

*Farrukh Qayyum*,
Sr. Geoscientist,
dGB Earth Sciences B.V.,
Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511JM
Enschede, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 53 4315155
Fax: +31 53 4315104

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Damian Ferreira <dfer666 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I'm new to the forum as well as to OpendTect and have a few simple things
> which I need help with.
> 1. how does one change the amplitude gain - In kingdom you can do this
> with f5 and f6, is there a similar option in Opendtect
> 2. I'm running the software on a Dell M4700 workstation which as per the
> software indicates that there is 15.9 GB free mem however after pre-loading
> just one amplitude volume in memory the free memory goes down to 2GB. Is
> there anyway to get around this. The volume mode also works very slowly
> (even with the preload) unlike the demo. The seismic volume is not big
> either. Any suggestions.
> Cheers
> D
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