[OpendTect_Users] Need help to create CREWES 3C-3D survey on OpendTect

Mark Crawford mark.crawford at dgbes.com
Tue Mar 18 10:41:37 CET 2014

Dear Her,

This'mixed format' is not supported in OpendTect. OpendTect follows the
1975 norm (and all subsequent revisions) which states that SEG-Y files
should be encoded with integers and nothing else. To quote the text: "There
are no floating-point values defined in the headers."

This means that the only way forward here would be to create a truly
SEG-Y-compliant data file.

Very best regards,


Mark Crawford
Support and Documentation Technician
dGB Earth Sciences

>   Dear All,
> In data survey with mixing format (floating and integer), is any option to
> load data with specific format in Opendtect ?
> Thank you.
>  Best regards,
> Her
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