[OpendTect_Users] Madagascar error "Output data ID missing"

Chris Irvine cirvine1 at telus.net
Mon Mar 24 18:33:47 CET 2014

When I use the Madagascar Link, I have an error when I run sfattr using 


Command line      sfattr  lval=2   >"C:/Temp/stats.txt"


I get an error message that says "Output data ID missing".  I have set the
output to "none".   


I'm using cygwin64 on Windows 7 to run Madagascar1.5-3.  Is this a problem
in OpendTect or Madagascar cygwin64 ?  I can't find out more info on the
error if I launch OpendTect from a command line.  I don't see any log file.
All other Madagascar program commands bomb off in with the "Empty or Corrupt
RSF Header" error. 




--Chris Irvine

Geophysical Consultant

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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