[OpendTect_Users] Exporting OpendTect data to Petrel

Adrian Bennetton adrian.bennetton at arkcls.com
Mon Nov 3 14:57:56 CET 2014

Hi All,

ARK CLS GeoDataSync® Accelerate is more functional that our ARK CLS OpendTect Connector.  It is free for Academic use provided that Academic license agreement has been signed with dGB.

Plug-in name

Direct access to data objects stored in an OpendTect survey without copying

Import/Export data objects
(both directions)

Plug-in launched from

Plug-in controlled from

Plug-in available from

ARK CLS OpendTect Connector


3D Seismic
3D Horizons



Schlumberger’s Ocean store

ARK CLS GeoDataSync Accelerate

3D Seismic

3D Seismic
3D Horizons



dGB Earth Sciences



Hopefully this provides some additional information.

Adrian Bennetton


Tel:  +44 1234 834864


Visit us at :    PETEX 2014 – Booth G9
                                18 – 20 November 2014,  London

From: Paul de Groot [mailto:paul.degroot at dgbes.com]
Sent: 03 November 2014 12:55
To: Sandor Sule
Cc: W. Steven Holbrook; users at opendtect.org
Subject: Re: [OpendTect_Users] Exporting OpendTect data to Petrel

Hello Steven,

The connector plugin is an option but I am not sure if that is free for Academia. (To be honest: I would be really surprised if it is.) Anyway, one disadvantage is that the connector only facilitates copying of data files between the two systems and not all data objects are supported.

At last week's SEG conference in Denver ARK CLS launched a new Petrel plugin that allows direct access to OpendTect data stores without copying data. GeoDataSync Accelerate ( http://dgbes.com/index.php/products/commercial-products/geodatasync-accelerate ) is a much richer product (i.e. it supports more data objects) than the connector plugin. It also supports copying of data files both ways. This is a commercial plugin that can be purchased only via dGB and ARK CLS. I am not sure if Accelerate is free for Academia (Adrian?)

Finally, I know OpendTect has been used in Caves by others. Talking to your IT people might be the simplest solution to your problem.

Best regards,


Paul de Groot


dGB Earth Sciences


+31 53 4315155


paul.degroot at dgbes.com<mailto:paul.degroot at dgbes.com>


dgbes.com<http://dgbes.com/> & opendtect.org<http://opendtect.org/>


On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 8:37 AM, Sandor Sule <sandor.sule at gmail.com<mailto:sandor.sule at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Steve,

Try this plugin below. It is free for Academia. You just have to ask a licence from the Schlumberger. :




Sándor Süle
Exploration Geophysicist

Department of Geological Sciences
University of Saskatchewan
114 Science Place
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E2

Office: (306) 966-5728
Fax: (306) 966-8593
e-mail:sandor.sule at gmail.com<mailto:e-mail%3Asandor.sule at gmail.com>

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 4:01 PM, W. Steven Holbrook <SteveH at uwyo.edu<mailto:SteveH at uwyo.edu>> wrote:
Hello All:

I wonder if anyone has experience or suggestions for exporting data, horizons, etc. from OpendTect to Petrel.  I am teaching a class using the F3 data volume and OpendTect.  We have a CAVE visualization center at UW, and I think it would be a great experience for the students to project their interpretations and walk around inside them in the CAVE.  The administrator of the CAVE has asked me if I could put the OpendTect data/interpretations into Petrel format, since that is their go-to software for displaying 3D seismic data in the CAVE.

Does anyone know how I might export the data from the F3 data set into a format that could be read into Petrel?  (I have no experience with Petrel.)  Alternatively, does anyone have experience projecting data directly from OpendTect into a CAVE?  (Perhaps I can persuade the admin to install OpendTect if that is an easier path.)

Many thanks,
Steve Holbrook


W. Steven Holbrook
Co-Director, Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics
Professor of Geophysics
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3006
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071

steveh at uwyo.edu<mailto:steveh at uwyo.edu>
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