[OpendTect_Users] Exporting OpendTect data to Petrel

Mike Stone mstone at act3solutions.com
Mon Nov 3 21:54:06 CET 2014

Ok, Let me just give another option.....

Just move the data over by hand.

There isn't much data you necessarily want to start with. Just export the
Seismic to SEGY and which petrel can read just fine. Grab the logs directly
from the source. http://www.nlog.nl/nlog/listAllWellLocations?menu=act  And
bring the horizons you want over by hand, I think IESX works fine.

For small projects like this duplication isn't a big deal.

Also seriously consider using both Opendtect and Petrel rather than
considering one of them. I really hate seeing fresh out of college kids who
only know the software their professor liked.

Mike Stone
MStone at ACT3Solutions.com

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 4:01 PM, W. Steven Holbrook <SteveH at uwyo.edu> wrote:

>   Hello All:
>  I wonder if anyone has experience or suggestions for exporting data,
> horizons, etc. from OpendTect to Petrel.  I am teaching a class using the
> F3 data volume and OpendTect.  We have a CAVE visualization center at UW,
> and I think it would be a great experience for the students to project
> their interpretations and walk around inside them in the CAVE.  The
> administrator of the CAVE has asked me if I could put the OpendTect
> data/interpretations into Petrel format, since that is their go-to software
> for displaying 3D seismic data in the CAVE.
>  Does anyone know how I might export the data from the F3 data set into a
> format that could be read into Petrel?  (I have no experience with Petrel.)
>  Alternatively, does anyone have experience projecting data directly from
> OpendTect into a CAVE?  (Perhaps I can persuade the admin to install
> OpendTect if that is an easier path.)
>  Many thanks,
> Steve Holbrook
>  ________
>  W. Steven Holbrook
> Co-Director, Wyoming Center for Environmental Hydrology and Geophysics
> Professor of Geophysics
> Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
> 1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3006
> University of Wyoming
> Laramie, WY 82071
> steveh at uwyo.edu
> http://www.steveholbrook.com
> (307) 766 2427 (voice)
> (307) 766 6679 (fax)
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