[OpendTect_Users] v5.0 importing depth segy velocity model

Dale Harger hargeruk at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 11 21:24:04 CET 2014

I just installed v5.0


I have a segy file that is a depth cube and the sample values are velocities
in feet/sec. The sample rate is 50 feet, the cell size is 82.5 x 82.5 feet.


When I setup a project in 5.0 I specify that it is depth and the units are
feet. In the setup dialogue the default units are meters. I switch them to


When the project displays it is exceedingly tall. I set the Z-scale all the
way down to 1.0e-5 and the survey looks the right dimension on the screen,
but when I hit OK in the Z Scale dialogue the survey pops back to
exceedingly tall.


Just to see what happened I set up the project to have the units in meters.
In this case the default units in the setup dialogue are feet, I set them to


Again the project displays as exceedingly tall and defies all attempts to
make it a reasonable Z-scale.


I went ahead and imported the SEGY. It does import, but the Z has been
interpreted as up in the air, i.e. elevation not depth.


I went back to v4.6 and had the project setup correctly and the segy
imported properly in a few minutes.


There seems to be some issues setting up a depth project in v5.0





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