[OpendTect_Users] Workflow for interpreting complex seismic bodies (multi-z interpretation)

Nicola Scarselli n.scarselli at es.rhul.ac.uk
Mon Apr 23 11:38:36 CEST 2012

On Thursday, 19 April 2012 at 17:37, Friso Brouwer wrote: 
> 5: now you can use the geobodies for efficient 3D vizualization, you can also use the geobodies properties to mark them with different colors and use that to categorize them (for example on age, or order of intrusion).

Hi Friso,
I did some test with the workflow and it seems promising. The only setback I had is that I couldn't find a way to colour the geobodies according to the z values of the points that form them. That is essential if one wants to study the 3D morphology of a geobody.

Any thought?


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