[OpendTect_Users] Workflow for interpreting complex seismic bodies (multi-z interpretation)

Friso Brouwer friso.brouwer at dgbes.com
Mon Apr 23 16:21:32 CEST 2012

Yes I have some ideas,

First, what I meant in my explanation is to color the bodies unicolor, to
categorize them.

If you want to display z-values on the outside of the geobodies to see it's
morphology better you can do that too. Note this (and other) geobody
capabilities are better developed in the development release 4.3.0 as we
are doing an overhaul and extension development of the geobodies. So do
Make sure you work in 4.3.0d (which if you do not have it installed yet can
be downloaded from opendtect.org)

   - You can not directly add z value to the skin, but you can do it
   - Go to the attribute set, use the reference attribute , z-option (then
   name,  "add as new" etc as usual)
   - Apply this attribute to the geobody attribute layer and it will show
   the z-values of the outside points.



On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Nicola Scarselli <n.scarselli at es.rhul.ac.uk
> wrote:

>  On Thursday, 19 April 2012 at 17:37, Friso Brouwer wrote:
> *5*: now you can use the geobodies for efficient 3D vizualization, you
> can also use the geobodies properties to mark them with different colors
> and use that to categorize them (for example on age, or order of intrusion).
> Hi Friso,
> I did some test with the workflow and it seems promising. The only setback
> I had is that I couldn't find a way to colour the geobodies according to
> the z values of the points that form them. That is essential if one wants
> to study the 3D morphology of a geobody.
> Any thought?
> Cheers,
> Nicola
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