[Users] New user interface to Madagascar feature in v 3.1.7

Otelindo Medina otelindo at dgb-group.com
Fri May 23 15:32:15 CEST 2008

Dear users,

The latest development release 3.1.7 contains an additional 
possibility as a free plug-in:

dGB developed a generic user interface to Madagascar, an open-source 
seismic processing package that is very popular in seismic R&D circles. 
In the builder seismic pre- and post-stack, in- and output files are 
either OpendTect or Madagascar formatted. The processing flow is 
constructed as a sequence of Madagascar programs with their parameters. 
The programs are selected from a list of available programs (presently 
over 300) while a good search option is implemented to guide the user. 
Madagascar processing results can be further analyzed in OpendTect

The toolbar is composed of three items: create a new flow, open existing 
flow, save flow.

When using the plug-in the following steps are required

  1. The first step in the process is to select an input cube: The
     input can be a 3D volume, a Prestack volume, a Madagascar volume
     or None. It is possible to chose a volume sub-selection.
  2. the second step is the choice of a program or a sequence of
     program that will perform the desired processing effect. Programs
     are organised into groups of programs. Once one program is
     selected a description of what this program does is shown in the
     following frame. A synopsis of the chosen program is also provided.
  3. The third final step is to chose an output volume type. As in the
     input selection, it can be a 3D volume, a Prestack volume, a
     Madagascar volume or None.

More information on Madagascar and its development can be found at this link <cid:part1.00090705.02010608 at dgb-group.com>.

Best Regards

Otelindo Medina
dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
Nijverheidstraat 11-2,
7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands.
Tel: +31 53 4315155
Fax: +31 53 4315104

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